3 Tools That Changed My Life as a Neurodivergent Person

And no, they aren’t planners! If you’ve spent countless dollars on planners but felt like you haven’t found the right tool, maybe it’s time to try one of these suggestions.

My mind has always worked in a different way. I’ve always been spacey and inspired and changeable and initiatory. I love starting new projects. I love chasing my visions and inspirations and going with the flow. But I also discovered early on that most folks found that to be a negative trait. There were ways that this affected me that caused me to operate in a way that wasn’t supported or nourished by society.

I was unwilling to stay in jobs where I wasn’t happy. I had new ideas for careers every day and special interests that would cause me to hyperfocus for weeks at a time. I would buy up supplies to work on things that caught my interest only for them to be tossed aside. It’s a hard reality to face at times. Once the pandemic kicked in, I found that all of these habits and ways of operating multiplied a hundredfold. I lost track of what I was meant to do each day, forgot to finish work that had set deadlines, and wasn’t able to tend to my passions how I had hoped to.

While I did my best to manage this, the tool almost everyone always recommended was a planner. But the problem with using planners is that for some of us, it can feel like an external tool of control. It might seem like people with Autism or ADHD or other forms of neurodivergence are not capable of making plans without help — like they’re too distracted or disorganized to manage their life without being told what to do. But we are each unique in how we function best. While I have used planners in the past, I’m finding as the pandemic rages on, that I need a slew of new tools. So I’m sharing the three tools that have totally changed my life and guess what, they are not planners!

The first tool can serve as a planner if you choose, but I like to use it in other ways too. Notion is a cloud-based app and website that has absolutely helped me progress in my goals AND follow all of my countless inspirations. It combines all of the cool features of Google Suite, adds in an aesthetic, allows you to build a space that works for YOU and so much more.

In Notion, I’m able to track my goals, save things I want to read for later into my “Second Brain,” keep track of my finances, set up a home chore checklist, and SO much more. While you can make it from start to finish on your own, you can also check out awesome templates and begin from there. I have a personal Studio Ghibli dashboard, and I offer various templates on Gumroad as well.

The second tool that has absolutely changed my life is Habitica — This is an app that works like a game and provides instant rewards as you work towards building habits and completing challenges. You get to create an adorable avatar, gather eggs and hatch them, feed pets, and so much more for working towards your habits. More than just habits though, there are challenges where you can work with others on similar goals like creativity, blogging, and even witchcraft. I also love the party feature that allows you to go on quests with others and battle monsters to earn more rewards. This is perfect for the person who wants to get instant gratification for the habits and tasks they complete.

If you are someone who enjoys games, who loves to see their progress charted in some kind of way, this will be one of the best tools for you. The best part, you get to create your habits and tasks and decide where to focus your attention.

Finally, LifeAt Spaces. This is a website that creates a setting for you to virtually work in. At LifeAt Spaces you’re able to find a visual setting that you enjoy, link a Spotify playlist and/or play background noises like a cafe setting, use the Pomodoro, keep track of your to-do’s and so much more. Those who choose to, can also turn on the camera and have others join their virtual space for a co-working session.

While this isn’t necessarily a tool in the same way the first two are, I have found that folks who are neurodivergent like I am, tend to enjoy outside stimulation and noise which is hard to find at times. I work best with cafe sounds, for example, and that’s not necessarily something I can easily find without going to a cafe. Bt with LifeAt, I can replicate those noises without having to risk catching COVID.

Listen, if you’ve had a rough time working towards your goal and you’re neurodivergent but not having much luck with planners, try these three tools!


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